Monday, 25 April 2016

Spring is far away ...

After I few months of inactivity due to medical circumstances and travel abroad I'm getting started again. At the moment the weather is really bad, temperatures between 5 and 10°c and a lot of rain. The forecast isn't giving anything better for the rest of the week.
The forest is too wet to attract a lot of birds at the pool. I'm waiting for sunny and dry weather.
Visitors 'trapped' by the trailcam the last couple of weeks are Great tit (Koolmees), Blue tit (Pimpelmees), Eurasian jay (Gaai), Chaffinch (Vink), Robin (Roodborst), Eurasian nuthatch (Boomklever), Eurasian wren (Winterkoning), Great spotted woodpecker (Grote bonte specht), Common buzzard (Buizerd), European hedgehog (Egel) and Red squirrel (Eekhoorn). Also 1 new bird species on the trailcam, Brambling (Keep) and a lot of Common chiffchaff (Tjiftjaf) singing around the hide.

 Drinking Common buzzard


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