Saturday, 23 January 2016

Short winter-period

Until now the winter wasn't a real winter. Last week we had a short period with freezing temperatures and at some places little snow. When I had some time to spend in the hide the snow was almost gone so no snowy photos yet. The amount of visitors at the hide is still building. I can hardly keep up filling the feeders with so many Great tits (Koolmees) and Blue tits (Pimpelmees). Other regular visitors I saw on my short 2 hour visit were Crested tit (Kuifmees), Coal tit (Zwarte mees), Robin (Roodborst), Chaffinch (Vink), Short toed treecreeper (Boomkruiper), Eurasian nuthatch (Boomklever) and  Common buzzards (Buizerd). A Red squirrel is also visiting regulary but never wants to come to the hide when I'm there.

 Coal tit



 Great tit

 Red squirrel

 Red squirrel

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Best wishes for 2016 !

First of all my best wishes for 2016 !
Still no real winter in Belgium so no new species at the hide on my last visit of the year. No new birds but the 'common' birds kept me busy enough. Coal tit (Zwarte mees) is a daily visitor now. Red squirrel (Eekhoorn) is still showing up on the trailcam every now and then but I haven't seen him yet while in the hide.

 Crested tit

Common chaffinch

 Coal tit

 Great tit

 Blue tit

Red squirrel