Sunday, 25 January 2015

Waiting ...

Hide photography is most of the time waiting. I spend a few hours in the hide, trying to 'catch' the often visiting Common Buzzard (Buizerd) or Northern Goshawk (Havik) on photo. Unfortunately I wasn't lucky with the birds of prey. My time wasn't completely wasted because there was another short visit of a single Redwing (Koperwiek) and for the first time a Eurasian wren (Winterkoninkje), both coming over to drink. Other visiting species were Great tit (Koolmees), Blue tit (Pimpelmees), Eurasian jay (Gaai), Chaffinch (Vink), Blackbird (Merel) and Great spotted woodpecker (Grote bonte specht). Red fox (Vos) is still visiting every night, taking the leftovers the birds of prey didn't eat.


Eurasian wren

Red fox

Common buzzard

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Common Buzzard

Still a lot of bad weather lately, rain and wind. No real cold or snow. Luckily Northern Goshawk (Havik) and Common Buzzard (Buizerd) are still visiting the hide. It's always nice to make photos in the sun or snow but I was also happy this Buzzard came over on a dark cloudy day. Because of the dark weather I had to go high on ISO (1/250 sec , f/5, ISO 4000). I also made a short (low quality) video of the Buzzard eating.

Friday, 9 January 2015

New year - new visitors ?

What will bring 2015 to me ? Hopefully a lot of new species at the hide. But which hide ? Probably in a few months I will have to remove the hide from the forest because the area is being developped. Mayby I'll find a new spot in the same area, that's not sure yet. We'll see ... .
Now what's happening lately at the hide ? A short update. Both Northern Goshawk (Havik) and Common Buzzard (Buizerd) are regular visitors now, mainly visiting later on the day when it's getting dark. The Goshawk is staying short periods while eating, the Buzzard is eating most of the prey. Redwing (Koperwiek) is also coming over to drink every now and then, and for the first time a Bank vole (Rosse woelmuis) was seen, eating from the birdfood. The rest of the visitors are the 'normal species'.

 Northern Goshawk on prey


Record shot of the Bank vole, more and better photos of the Bank vole on my website here