Luckily a family of Hawfinches (Appelvinken) is nesting close to the hide and are frequently visiting. At least 1 juvenile is already seen on the trailcam. I also had the opportunity to see for the first time a male Bullfinch (Goudvink) from the hide. Red squirrels (Eekhoorns) are also seen daily. Other daily visitors are Great tit (Koolmees), Blue tit (Pimpelmees), Chaffinch (Vink), Great spotted woodpecker (GB specht), European robin (Roodborst), Eurasian nuthatch (Boomklever), Eurasian jay (Gaai) and a Bank vole (Rosse woelmuis). Hopefully both the weather and the forest will be dryer the next few weeks.
Male Hawfinch
Male Hawfinch
Female Hawfinch
Male Bullfinch
Great spotted woodpecker
Bank vole