Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Visitor update

First update of the visitors at the new hide. I spend very little time in the hide so most of the visitors were seen by the trailcam (which mostly doesn't register the smaller birds). Who's visiting ? Regular birds are Eurasian jay (Gaai), Great tit (Koolmees), Blue tit (Pimpelmees), Eurasian wren (Winterkoning), Eurasian nuthatch (Boomklever) and European robin (Roodborst). Also Red squirrel (Eekhoorn) and Roe deer (Ree) are seen regulary.
Last week I started to put out prey to in order to attract birds of prey. Already 3 different Common buzzards (of which 2 young birds) are regular visitors.

 Eurasian wren

 Eurasian nuthatch

 Roe deer

 Red squirrel

 Juvenile Common buzzard

 Another Common Buzzard

Juvenile Common buzzard