I haven't been able to spend a lot of time at the hide lately, only 1 short session. Still the same visitors:
Great tits (Koolmees),
Blue tits (Pimpelmees),
Crested tits (Kuifmees),
Eurasian jay (Gaai),
Blackbird (Merel),
European robin (Roodborst),
Eurasian nuthatches (Boomklever),
Eurasian wren (Winterkoning), 2
Common buzzards (Buizerd),
Squirrel (Eekhoorn) and 2
Roe deer (Ree). Also1 new species,
Eurasian siskin (Sijsje). I hope to spend more time in the hide the next few weeks to discover more new visitors as winter and cold are (hopefully) coming.
Eurasian nuthatch
Crested tit
Blue tit
Roe deer
Common buzzard