Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Construction of the hide - first visitors

Finally I had some time to finish the hide ... .I recovered the wooden front and roof of my previous hide. The sides are covers of big wooden boxes. I covered the roof with plastic to be waterproof. Afterwards I covered the hide with branches. The backside is closed with removable canvas. On the front I use plexiglas with mirror foil to have a better view and I have an opening for my lens.

A little while ago I already put my trailcam in place to see what's visiting. It is a new pool and it were rainy days so not that many birds were registered (small birds are most of the time not registered by the trailcam). But ... one of my objectives already came over to drink: a Hawfinch (Appelvink). I hope they'll become regular visitors. Other birds are Eurasian jay (Gaai), Common blackbird (Merel), Song thrush (Zanglijster) and European robin (Roodborst). I hope to have some time the next few weeks to check out the visiting birds and to take some photos.

 Finally (almost) finished !

 View from the hide

Another view from the hide

 Eurasian jay, the first visitor !


Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Work in progress

I finally started with the construction of the new forest hide and drinking pool. It will be located in a mainly pine forest with parts of deciduous trees in the neighbourhood of a town called Arendonk. The pool is almost finished, now the hide is next. I'll keep you updated.